Since the original post over two years ago, Podcasts have gained an even higher level of importance in my day to day life. I find myself listening to more overall and found that its a great way to keep up with things during my daily commute and doing stuff around the house.

Here is an updated list of all the podcasts that I now listen to. It’s a little bit bigger then the 6 I originally posted.

  • Accidental Tech Podcast
  • Analog(ue)
  • Canvas
  • Cortex
  • Debug
  • Do By Friday
  • Liftoff
  • Mac Power Users
  • Reconcilable Differences
  • Refresh
  • Thoroughly Considered
  • Top Four
  • Under the Radar
  • Upgrade
  • Welcome to Macintosh
  • The West Wing Weekly

Now while most of these have to do with Technology (and more specifically Apple) it’s amazing to me how over the last two years it seems like the podcast community has just exploded. It seems like a new one is popping up every couple weeks and that means that it’s turning into a real business.